April 4, 2012

Population Growth Modeling

My graph shows the population of the sparrows for 50 generations being affected by poaching. Poaching is an illegal act of taking plants or animals for commercial use against conservatory regulations. In my graph, there is a 5 percent decrease in the sparrow population each year due to poaching. This may be a hypothetical situation, but poaching of animals can lead and have lead to extinction of species.  The rate of increase in this population is higher than the poaching rate which allows for the population to thrive despite poaching events each year. In this activity, we started with simplistic models and progressed in complexity in each step. By doing this we better understood the techniques and concepts used in the activity. As we went one step further each time, we added pieces to our last equation making it easier to do on our own and understand completely. In a scientific viewpoint this is an ideal way of doing things in business because there will be minimal error and confusion.
The two main equations used in this activity were for carrying capacity and population rate growth. K represented the carrying capacity and N was used to represent the population, t was used to show generation, r represented rate of increase each year. By changing the values for things such as rate of increase, a changing trend can be seen in the population. Depending on the different factors playing on the population, it fluctuated as seen throughout this activity. Increasing r values increased overall population and decreasing K values decreased population. The main equations are shown below.

Carrying Capacity

Population Rate Growth Model

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