March 30, 2012
Kidney Failure
Kidney failure is a very serious complication. The kidney has a really important role which is to filter and clean the blood. They kidneys filter out waste and excess water that may be present. This waste comes from the food or from the breakdown of tissue. If the kidneys stop functioning, the blood will not be clean and will become toxic. In the modern world we live in now, procedures can be carried out in order to keep a person alive by cleaning his or her blood without the use of kidneys. In order to do this the patient must have his blood filtered from a dialysis machine. A person must be hooked up to this machine for several hours in order to clean the blood. A long and expensive task that the kidneys would have done quicker, more efficiently, and for free. But, not anyone can go and be hooked up to a dialysis machine. Our veins have thin layers that would not be able to withstand numerous punctures and having a large amount of blood taken out. Arteries are not superficial like veins and rather are deep. This makes them hard to reach, especially since this will be needed every week. To get the best of both vessels, a vascular surgeon constructs a fistula for the dialysis patient. A fistula is a large blood vessel that is created by joining a vein and artery together. By doing this the vein grows and becomes much stronger. Additionally, the blood pressure increases. The fistula is near the surface of the skin and is strong, and has good blood flow. This makes for a viable vessel to withdraw large amounts of blood out of on a weekly basis. A fistula will be able to withstand a great deal of punctures making it a great option. These dialysis patients can truly appreciate the work kidneys do without us even thinking about it.
Aging Eyes
Many of the nuisances that come with getting older have not been given a clear reasoning as to why they occur. Some of these setbacks include a slower reaction time, memory loss, and insomnia. Recently studies have pointed to altered circadian clocks as the culprit for these consequences of old age. "The gradual yellowing of the lens and the narrowing of the pupil that occur with age disturb the body’s circadian rhythm." Because the eyes are aging, less sunlight is able to get to the the cells in the retina. The retina regulates the body's internal clock, and this disturbed internal clock is now said to be linked to ailments like heart disease and insomnia. Blue light is said to be greatly responsive with such cells in the retina, and as it turns out blue light is known to be filtered out as our eyes begin to age. A study was done testing the amount of suppressed melatonin on women of 20 years and women of 50 years after exposure to blue light. The older women had no were not affected at all while the younger women were. Also it was found that people increased their reaction times after having cataract surgery.
This article gives light to how a disturbed circadian clock can disrupt certain aspects of everyday function. It shows that getting outside even at old age is important, not only for physical activity but for the well being of our bodies. I will be sure to get outside throughout my life as it is beneficial and more engaging than staying indoors. Even the doctors mentioned in the article have installed sky lights in their offices because "artificial lights are 1,000 to 10,000 times dimmer than sunlight and the wrong part of the spectrum".
This article gives light to how a disturbed circadian clock can disrupt certain aspects of everyday function. It shows that getting outside even at old age is important, not only for physical activity but for the well being of our bodies. I will be sure to get outside throughout my life as it is beneficial and more engaging than staying indoors. Even the doctors mentioned in the article have installed sky lights in their offices because "artificial lights are 1,000 to 10,000 times dimmer than sunlight and the wrong part of the spectrum".
March 29, 2012
Hidden signals in the heart
A recent study shows that abnormal cells in the human blood stream may signal hidden heart risk. Research has recently shown that endothelial cells are the possible candidate for the hidden signal of this heart risk. Patients that have had heart attacks recently have been tested for the amount of endothelial cells that were present in their blood. The results showed that there were a greater amount of endothelial cells in these victims.These cells, found by new blood-cell-sorting technology, are often packed tightly together with multiple nuclei per cell.
This Article appealed to me because I am very interested in new technology and how it is being used to help discover beneficial phenomenon such as this. The fact that such large findings are being discovered at such a small scale truly shows how probable it is that in the next few years everyone's life could change. The medical research field is striving and many more discoveries, such as the one mentioned in this article, are bound to be detected sooner or later.
Fat loving brain cells!
Eating cheeseburgers can cause massive weight gains in humans and also has an affect on mice. Eating high-fat foods can cause mice to pack on new nerve cells in their brains. One would think that more brain cells is a good thing, but it actually has a negative affect on the mice. The new cells cause weight gain in the animals. Developed research shows how the brain controls weight and can lead to anti-obesity treatments in humans.
A study showed mice that ate rodent versions of Big Macs actually gained weight and had increased nerve cell production. After four weeks of this unhealthy diet, the mice had four times as many nerve cells as before. Scientists are unsure about the effects these new cells have on animals' metabolisms. Neuroscientist, Seth Blackshaw, and his team shut down production of the cells with a laser. Even though the same diet continued, the mice didn't gain as much weight as the mice with ongoing production. It's also unsure whether or not this same process occurs in humans. I thought this article was interesting because I never knew someone's diet could affect their cell production. This could lead to major discoveries about preventing obesity in humans.
Brain Patterns Mapped
Recent brain studies have resulted in a simpler way to look at the brain. This new brain scanning provides scientists with new clues to how the human brain is built and even how it evolved. The technique used by scientists from the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School is called diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. The mapping of these brain patterns in mammals may eventually lead to the ability for doctors to be able to diagnose brain disorders due to alterations in the patterns. An additional reason as to why this finding is so important is that studies can be performed to compare the evolutionary root of the brain to similar mammals to the human.
I found this article very intriguing because the brain is such a complex and unique organ. The unknown "mess" of structure the brain entails is actually a very organized system of patterns that can be related to other organisms to provide us with mind blowing information about our evolutionary heritage. It is very interesting to me that these sorts of discoveries are being made day after day. It makes me wonder how much we will be able to find out about the brain in the upcoming years.
I found this article very intriguing because the brain is such a complex and unique organ. The unknown "mess" of structure the brain entails is actually a very organized system of patterns that can be related to other organisms to provide us with mind blowing information about our evolutionary heritage. It is very interesting to me that these sorts of discoveries are being made day after day. It makes me wonder how much we will be able to find out about the brain in the upcoming years.
New Brain Map Developed!
A discovery such as this can help scientists unlock more about genetic diseases or other diseases that affect the brain. Having a map in particular is extremely helpful because it will allow scientists to pinpoint an exact location and diagnose a patient much quicker.
Physiological adaptations
The Giant Squids the unknown phantom of the sea. It's a very elusive animal that has been scarcely seen throughout history. Recently, new dissections and computer models have offered a lead in the mystery as to why the squid's eyeballs are soccer ball-sized and are three times wider than any other animals. Scientists believe that the squid's eyeballs size is a evolutionary trait that stemmed from their need to avoid capture by the Sperm Whale. The Sperm Whale is the Giant Squid's greatest predator. It's believed that the eyes evolved to see bioluminescent trails of light left by sperm whales. Additionally, the colossal squid would be able to recognize a sperm whale from 120 meters away.
The study of a squid's physiology can offer insight into other adaptive sight measures taken by other animals. Maybe our eyes evolved to help us protect against predators. It's also interesting to note that the energy need to run the neurons for their eyes was a significant amount. More research will have to be done in order to fully understand the physiological structures of the giant squid.
The study of a squid's physiology can offer insight into other adaptive sight measures taken by other animals. Maybe our eyes evolved to help us protect against predators. It's also interesting to note that the energy need to run the neurons for their eyes was a significant amount. More research will have to be done in order to fully understand the physiological structures of the giant squid.
Mapping the Brain
From a glance, the brain may seem like an extremely complex structure with nerve endings strung out everywhere. However, a recent study that included mapping the white matter of the brain shows that the connections in the brain are actually highly organized. White matter is the bundle of nerve fibers that allow different brain regions to communicate and coordinate with one another. The fibers form a grid-like structure which neatly blended together and are not a jumbled mess. Scientists believe the reason for the way of growth is due to chemical signals that guide axon growth during brain development. Additionally, it appeared that the grids were most regular in deep brain structures including neural pathways that were involved in emotion and memory. Although scientists speculate that the grid-like structure exists, they are not a hundred percent certain and more testing needs to be completed.
The mapping of the human brain is a monumental achievement. The development of the white-matter network in children could eventually one day help to provide insight into neurological conditions such as autism and other mental complications.
The mapping of the human brain is a monumental achievement. The development of the white-matter network in children could eventually one day help to provide insight into neurological conditions such as autism and other mental complications.
Extra Credit: Anatomy of the Human Brain
First ever somatic stem cells obtained
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine in Münster, Germany, have successfully isolated and gathered somatic stem cells from skin cells. Hans Schöler and his team took unique protein growth factors that stimulated cell growth. The key was a growth factor never used before in this type of research, Brn4. Before this breakthrough, pluripotent stem cells were obtained from fully differentiated somatic cells. These cells can go as far to differentiate into every type of cell in the body. But, the pluripotency also presents many dangers. According to Schöler, "pluripotent stem cells exhibit such a high degree of plasticity that under the wrong circumstances they may form tumours instead of regenerating a tissue or an organ." Schöler's skin cells, however, can only be multipotent which eliminates the dangers of pluripotency.
I found this very interesting because Schöler and his team found new stem cells that can be the cure to many fatal diseases and even cancer. These cells are multipotent which does not leave fear of tumors forming from them. It seems everyday we are coming closer and closer to the answer to many cellular diseases found commonly in humans. Each breakthrough is leading us to our goal of eliminating these horrible and deadly diseases.
I found this very interesting because Schöler and his team found new stem cells that can be the cure to many fatal diseases and even cancer. These cells are multipotent which does not leave fear of tumors forming from them. It seems everyday we are coming closer and closer to the answer to many cellular diseases found commonly in humans. Each breakthrough is leading us to our goal of eliminating these horrible and deadly diseases.
People are smarter than they think!
People are unaware of the knowledge they really have. They have more ideas to share than they think they actually do. Dr. Bryan Bonner, an associate professor at the University of Utah's David Eccles School of Business, thinks people need to realize their knowledge before becoming successful. Psychologists believe that people need to think about what they already know about a topic before finding a solution.
A research was done with 540 Utah undergraduate students, 270 working alone, and the rest in groups. Their task was to estimate closest to the correct answers to questions like weight of the heaviest man in history. Other questions asked were the elevation of Utah's King's Peak and the population of Utah state. Research shows that we're not good at applying old knowledge to current problems. When people work together consistently and effectively, it increases the amount of brainpower used. I thought this article was really interesting because people don't know how smart they really are. It seems to take much brainpower to effectively use past knowledge and apply it to new problems. Together people can apply old knowledge as a group and become very good at it. Maybe I will try to work in groups to apply my knowledge to new problems.
March 28, 2012
Speed Up Your Metabolism and Clean Up Your Body..Through Exercise?
to recent research, it has been discovered that exercise is the
quickest way to purge the insides of your cells of all the unwanted
debris that accumulates there over time. “Broken or misshapen
proteins, shreds of cellular membranes, invasive viruses or bacteria,
and worn-out, broken-down cellular components, like aged
mitochondria, the tiny organelles within cells that produce energy”,
all add up over time and end up producing this “trash heap” that
needs to be removed. Cells clear away this debris and even use it to
give them energy through a “self-eating” process called
autophagy. The cell creates special membranes that collect all the
matter in the cytoplasm and then carry it to the cells lysosome which
breaks apart this matter and uses it for energy. Scientists have
found that malfunctions in this system of autophagy can lead to many
diseases and may even be a great contributing factor in aging.
Autophagy increases in situations of physiological stress such as
exercise. So an experiment was run in order to see the connection
between autophagy and exercise and how these two activities benefit
the body as a whole. The first strain of mice had normal levels of
autophagy but when they were forced to run, within 30 min, their
levels of autophagy level increases greatly. The second strain of
mice was altered to ensure that their level of autophagy would not
increase in stressful situations but is otherwise normal. When both
mice were set up to run the altered mice who couldn't increase their
levels of autophagy quickly became tired and weak. The scientists
also discovered that when put on a fatty diet the normal mice were
able to alter their diabetic effects through exercise whereas the
altered mice were not able to do so. This finding shows that exercise
can increase levels of autophagy which can in turn clean your cell
faster, making you healthier and stronger!
Link to the Article
Building a Melanoma Vaccine
"Genetic Risk and Stressful Early Infancy Join to Increase Risk for Schizophrenia"
This article is about how scientists are starting to better understand the cause of shizophrenia. Researchers from John Hopkins genetically engineered mice to have reduced levels of DISC1, a protein in one type of neuron found in the hippocampus. The mice with regular levels of DISC1 and reduced DISC1 had the same sized neurons. Meanwhile researchers at the University of Calgary did this same experiment on mouse newborns but induced stress on them, they did this by separating the newborns from their mothers for three hours a day. The mice with the reduced DISC1 levels had much larger disorganized neurons than the mice that had regular DISC1 levels. Finally they compared the DNA sequence of the mice with 2,961 patents with shizophrenia and they were able to pinpoint the gene that causes schizophrenia. "Now that we have identified the precise genetic risks, we can rationally search for drugs that correct these defects" says hongjun song, PH.D. co author, professor of neurology, and director of the stem cell program at the institute for cell engineering.
I liked this article because mental illnesses such as shizophrenia confuse me like the cause of them and such. So hopefully if they find the cause they will be able to find a cure to this and other mental illnesses I find it interesting how they were able to find the protein in the brain that causes schizophrenia in mice; and tie that into humans.
Green neurons have reduced DISC 1 protein
March 27, 2012
Antibody shrinks tumor
Researchers implanted human tumors into lab mice and studied the effects of this new antibiotic on the tumor. This antibody masked a protein flag on cancer cells that protect them from the immune system cells. This now allows the immune system cells to attack the tumor and break it down so it is not harmful anymore. So far they have tested ovarian, colon, bladder, brain, liver and prostate cancer samples with successful outcomes. As researchers began to test different animals not all cases were successful. The antibody did not harm the animal, but it did not reduce the tumor. On the other side, in the successful cases, after the tumor disappeared, the mice showed no negative side affects and the tumor did not return.
I found this very interesting because any advancement in cancer studies is one step closer to finding a cure for all cancers. This can be extremely useful for all types of cancer. The only concerning factor is, would the immune system being to attack cells that are suppose to be there? Is the immune system going to weaken as a side effect of the antibody? These questions will hopefully be answered after the human clinical trials begin.
I found this very interesting because any advancement in cancer studies is one step closer to finding a cure for all cancers. This can be extremely useful for all types of cancer. The only concerning factor is, would the immune system being to attack cells that are suppose to be there? Is the immune system going to weaken as a side effect of the antibody? These questions will hopefully be answered after the human clinical trials begin.
Napping Neurons
What happens in your brain as you get tired? This is the question researchers wanted the answer too. The study preformed showed that when the rats began to get tired some of their neurons began to nap. To keep the rats awake for a long period of time, researchers constantly gave the rat new interesting toys to play with. Some of the neurons began to nap and as time went on these naps occurred more frequently. To study the brain functions a electroencephalography was used which is the reading of electrical current along the scalp. The whole time the rat seemed awake, but his whole brain was not awake like he was.
I found this interesting because when you begin to get tired sometimes you do not pay attention to what you are doing, which can lead to mistakes or forgetting to do something. The neurons napping can be an explanation of why this happens. It is also interesting that the overall behavior of the mice did not change as time when on. The brain is not affected as a whole when these neurons are napping. Maybe this can lead to further knowledge on how the brain develops and why sleep is needed.
Buy Gold!... for your immune system?
We're all familiar with the vaccination process; you go to the doctor, you cry and cringe and then you finally receive the shot. The vaccine of course is a de-activated version of a disease or virus, which causes your body to make protective antibodies, so if you ever do get the disease you'll be able to easily fight it off. However, scientists were still confused as to how the immune system recognizes these particles and knows whether or not to act against them. In order to find an answer, the scientists used nanoparticles made of gold and coated them with different chemical residues so the immune system can detect them. They concluded that hydrophobicity caused the immune system to react to their presence. This discovery could lead to more effective vaccines, better drug delivery systems, and more understanding about viruses and bacteria.
Control of Involuntary Responses of the Immune System Through Meditation?
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Endotoxin Structure |
"Iceman" Wim Hof, who is well known for the several activities he has accomplished in low temperatures, believes that it is possible to control his immune response through concentration and meditation. Professor Peter Pickkers administered endotoxin, a component of bacteria that the immune system will react to as it gives "flu-like" symptoms, to Hof while he was meditating to see if his immune system would react. Hof's immune response was decreased by 50% compared to other healthy volunteers. Also, Hof barely showed any "flu-like" symptoms. Because these results have only been collected from one subject, several other people will have to be tested in order to confirm that this is possible.
Key to immune system could lie in the cheek!
A team led by Professor Phil Stephens in the School of Dentistry have performed an experiment and found out a group of new cells that "suppress the immune systems" function. The cardiff scientists have believed that the new cells that are created will help with the disorders of the immune system. They initially took cheek cells of the patients and cloned them. Then looking at the lab results they figured even a small amount could inhibit the lymphocytes in the immune system. The overall breakthrough of the experiment shows that cheeks cells have the potential for future immune system therapies.
I was intrigued by the results of this particular experiment because its quite amazing how cheeks cells can have such a potential to function in other parts of our body. I mean now cheeks cells are helping fight off diseases? How amazing is that? Maybe this might spark a new light in finding the cure for cancer as well.
I was intrigued by the results of this particular experiment because its quite amazing how cheeks cells can have such a potential to function in other parts of our body. I mean now cheeks cells are helping fight off diseases? How amazing is that? Maybe this might spark a new light in finding the cure for cancer as well.
One tree, multiple fruits
Farmers who would sometimes want the hardiness of one tree's roots but the fruit of another's in one tree can make a tree that is just that! Through a process called grafting, agriculture companies have begun producing large numbers of plants for farmers that are composed of some strong and disease resistant plant for the root system and branches that produce desired fruits. Seeing this, many people at home began trying grafting on their own to find that it isn't hard at all.
Start with two trees; We'll say an apple and a cherry. Cut a diagonal through the trunk of each tree where a large number of branches grow from. Now, put this wedge you cut from one tree onto the open space of the other tree. Secure with tape and some grafting compound and leave for a few weeks. Once the trees have spent some time getting to know their new branches, just take the bindings off. This will reveal one solid structure! Due to the abilities of plant vascular tissues to repair themselves if severed, pieces of one tree can be attached to another and begin to grow. In this case, you would be left with an apple tree that has some branches growing cherries on it and vice versa.
I found this topic particularly interesting because my grandfather had bought a tree that grows many different types of fruits; a product of grafting.
March 26, 2012
Red Blood Cells get lost
The DNA in our cells is extremely important in how our cells function. It is imperative that the DNA structure is preserved to maintain the correct function in our genes. Histones, often referred to as 'building bricks', are proteins that organize DNA in their correct structure, and therefore are necessary for a functional and healthy body. After some research though, scientists at the University of Copenhagen found some interesting information about Codanin-1 with respects to the anemic disease CDAI. CDAI is when the development of red blood cells is effected, so less are present. It was concluded that mutations in Codanin-1 cause CDAI, and that these mutations negatively affect the transport of newly made histones and the order of the DNA when our cells divide. I chose this article because I am anemic and I find it interesting learning about how exactly different types of anemia are caused.
Babies Can Respond to Our voices
In this article researchers have discovered that infants are able to respond better to sounds and voices rather than "toys or water". This is do to the increased attention in the temporal lobe. The discovery alone tweaks our understanding of infant development. The brain in the infant cortex is much more developed in the mothers womb than researchers have previously thought.
I found this interesting because I feel it can lead to an advanced way to teach children at a younger age even while in the womb, by using sounds and songs rather than just toys. The study of the early development of babies has also proven that they respond better to human speech like their mothers voices.
An "Off Switch" Within Our Immune System?
Did you ever think it would bepossible for our immune system to be turned off? A new “off switch” has been
identified by scientists from Trinity College Dublin. There is a certain
protein, TMED7, which can “turn off” part of the immune system. With the
ability to turn off the immune system we are able to boost our immune response.
TMED7 is the first of the family of proteins that it’s a part of that helps
regulate out immune system.
If we are able to shut down our
immune response, it would help prevent our immune system from attacking our
bodies. This protein could be beneficial
to us when receiving vaccines. Often times when vaccines are received, our
immune systems don’t develop a strong response to the vaccine which basically
defeats the purpose of the vaccine.
Eye Health Correlates With Brain Health!
Recent studies have found that studying the eyes, particularly the blood vessels in the eyes, can expose a lot of information about brain health. The many veins and arteries around the brain are vital in that they bring oxygen and other essential nutrients to and from the command system of our bodies. By specifically testing for retinopathy, swollen or leaky blood vessels going to the eyes, researchers have found a correlation between these vessels and brain health. An MRI of patients with retinopathy showed more damages in the brain tissue, possibly from tiny strokes. Also, studies have found that women with retinopathy score 10-15% lower on tests of verbal fluency, writing, and memory.
Anything that contributes to more information on how the brain works is extremely important. Since not much is known about our intricate minds, finding a link with the eyes, a more accessible organ, is very helpful. People can be alerted of any brain problems from just testing their eyes. This can allow them to detect a disease early, and hopefully start treatment right away.
Anything that contributes to more information on how the brain works is extremely important. Since not much is known about our intricate minds, finding a link with the eyes, a more accessible organ, is very helpful. People can be alerted of any brain problems from just testing their eyes. This can allow them to detect a disease early, and hopefully start treatment right away.
March 25, 2012
Although everyone knows just how important exercise is to our bodies, not many realize the impact it can have on our brains. According to a study done at the University of Pittsburgh, we can decrease our risk to Alzheimer's and dementia by up to 60%. How can we achieve this? By taking a walk.
The study shows that people who take walks daily can reverse the shrinkage of the hippocampus by 3% as opposed to people who exercised and stretched daily. Normal shrinkage was seen in those who exercised daily.
I found this to be an interesting study because it shows that we can reverse some of the signs of aging in our brains at least. If we can improve our brains health maybe later on we will be able to find ways to make it even more powerful.
You Can't Escape Fear
A study done at the UCLA Brain Research Institute shows that the brain can "re-route" certain systems. In this particular experiment, fear was explored. The rats were exposed to cages that shocked them every time they went inside them. This caused them to be scared of them. Once that fear was created the researchers turned off their fear mechanisms and exposed the rats to the cages one ore time. They were surprised to find that they still showed pretty normal fear responses.
I found this study to be quite interesting because it shows just how versatile the brain is. It's pretty amazing to know that our brains have certain "back up" systems in place in case something goes wrong. I don't think that this can be done for everything. I would not be surprised if this only proves true in the most basic and primal of instincts since those are the ones that we have needed since the beginning of time. It would make a lot of sense if our brains had figured out a way for us to do certain things even if the primary system has been affected.
Controlling Mice
Scientist from the Scripps Research Institute have performed an experiment on mice where they have inputted harnessed neurons in the mice brains. They were initially looking to find "How does the activity of the the brain represent the world" but neurologist Mark Mayford led a brand new study to use this experiment to "understand what goes wrong in situations where you have inappropriate perceptions. They started off by inserting two genes that manipulate memories in the mice which they tied to a natural gene that turns on and off in specific memories.
I found this particular article interesting because just the brain itself is a very interesting topic to research. In addition, the way it works and everything just blows my mind. Its quite astonishing how the brain controls every aspect of your body and all the tiny components. Another reason I found this article interesting was because how it talked about memory and the active and inactive genes.
I found this particular article interesting because just the brain itself is a very interesting topic to research. In addition, the way it works and everything just blows my mind. Its quite astonishing how the brain controls every aspect of your body and all the tiny components. Another reason I found this article interesting was because how it talked about memory and the active and inactive genes.
March 20, 2012
March 12, 2012
Antibodies? Who needs them!
After decades of thinking that antibodies were required in order to have immunity against certain viruses, a new study has proved this incorrect. Researchers have discovered that adaptive immunity is not always required in order to prevent virus from being lethal, but that the innate immunity can handle the viruses on its own. Innate immunity is a first line of defense that relies on cells and mechanisms that provide non-specific immunity. It was always believed that adaptive immunity, which includes antibody-producing B cells, played the more major role in the specific response to viral infections in mammals. A team of researchers studied mice, infected with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), that had B cells that did not produce antibodies. Unexpectedly, the mice were still able to survive, even without any adaptive mechanisms. The scientists determined that the B cells "produced a chemical needed to maintain innate immune cells called macrophages. The macrophages produced type I interferons, which were required to prevent fatal VSV invasion." Researchers concluded that the B cells, although necessary, did not rely on any adaptive mechanisms to protect the host, rather linking directly with the innate immune system.
This new discovery is very interesting because it shows how biology is always evolving; concepts that were originally thought to be correct can always be shown to be incorrect. This new discovery is very exciting because it could potentially lead to new methods of combatting diseases and viruses that do not rely on antibodies. This could potentially help protect more people from lethal diseases and is something that should definitely be further researched.
This new discovery is very interesting because it shows how biology is always evolving; concepts that were originally thought to be correct can always be shown to be incorrect. This new discovery is very exciting because it could potentially lead to new methods of combatting diseases and viruses that do not rely on antibodies. This could potentially help protect more people from lethal diseases and is something that should definitely be further researched.
March 8, 2012
Accelerate Blood Vessel
Researchers are studying a way to enhance blood flow in ischemic diseases. A Ischemic disease is reduced blood supply of the heart muscle due to coronary artery disease. The researches feel by blocking a protein in the white blood cells would speed up immature stem cells to cells with a specific function into a particular type of blood cell with a specific function.
I found this article interesting because the ischemic disease is the deadliest disease worldwide. If researches can find a way to cure this disease it could save a lot of lives and will be a new discovery for science and medicine. It may even contribute to cures for other diseases.
I found this article interesting because the ischemic disease is the deadliest disease worldwide. If researches can find a way to cure this disease it could save a lot of lives and will be a new discovery for science and medicine. It may even contribute to cures for other diseases.
March 5, 2012
March 4, 2012
Enzyme Catalysis Lab
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